Sunday, August 24, 2008

a.j.'s first birthday part 2

camera guy(dada) taking a break on the special throne.

xander and aj playing together.

zack just hanging around. he loved being passed around because he got to talk to everyone.

happy birthday a.j.! we all enjoyed your birthday and hope you did too!!!!

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a.j.'s first birthday part 1

we got to celebrate cousin aj's first birthday at pump it up in rancho this past saturday. what was so cool was that the whole family (mama's side) was together.

the cerdena siblings trying out the jousting jumper.

that's dada trying to knock over uncle buzz.

uncle buzz throwing xander up in the air. he loved this place!

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x to the power of 2

xander's birthday was 2 weeks ago, but i wanted to make sure to post at least something for all our loyal readers out there.
it was a cars theme, since xander loves that movie, and he went all out.

but of course, the highlight to the party was the gi-normous jumphouse that dada rented from work.

xander loved that thing so much he didn't even open his presents until the day after. this boy likes to be active. we are so glad that everyone was able to enjoy the party and jumper (hey, even ela made it in the jumper!)

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to uncle yek:

uncle yek got to visit for vbs and xanders birthday. the boys love him so much!

uncle yek, we're sad that you live so far away! we love it when you are here. come back and visit again soon!!!
a and z
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space rangers go!!!

here we are on the buzz lightyear ride. ate danika against mama, zack and xander. as you can see, xander won!!! zack was busy looking at all the cool things around him! this ride was such a hit with xander that we had to ride it twice!
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a trip to the magic kingdom

friday was a busy day. we had planned to go to disneyland with family but they called early in the morning saying they couldn't make it. we were bummed, so we decided to try to go without them. so, ate danika, xander, zack, and mama were off.

it was hard taking pictures (i didn't bring a camera, only my phone. and having zack hanging in his carrier made it a bit difficult) but here are some of our adventures.

we asked xander what rides he wanted to go on. he said he wanted to ride the horseys and train. he got his rides done before we left the park to go to san pedro courthouse (mama had to be a witness for a case)

coming back to disneyland after 2 hours away, we headed to california adventure, watched the disney/pixar parade (xander was so excited to see lightning and mater and baby fire(jack jack from incredibles), and rode rides in the bug's life area.

after walking around california adventure and eating all sorts of junk food (churros, turkey legs, chips, ice cream, hot dogs, etc.), we went back to disneyland to see mickey( the line was to long and we didn't have a real camera so we made sure to get mickey in the background). we rode on buzz lightyear twice and tried to stay for fireworks but it was a long day, so we finally headed home around 10:30. this was zack's first time to disneyland and he enjoyed himself. he talked to everyone in line and was so amazed whenever we rode on something. he's special, we're ordering his pic through the disney website. also, the next post will be him on the buzz ride.

who thought i could survive disneyland with 2 young kids! i praise God for ate danika! she's the best! can't wait to go back again!! thank you ate danika!
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

model time

one day, we ventured to the mall to surprise dada with some studio pics.(he came home early so we told him our plan. he was still happy with the results.)

xander and zack

i just love this pic. he loved the camera. i guess with dada taking so many pics, zack was used to it.

this is xander's 2 year old pic. he just wanted to play, but the photographer was able to get at least one shot.

my little smiley face. If you know zack, you know that this boy loves to smile. he is also a talker.
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