Thursday, January 15, 2009

baby no more. . .

my boys are growing up so fast. as i sit in our living room i can't believe they were the little babies in the pictures hanging on the wall. xander is more independent now. he would rather do things on his own and has a fit if you do it for him. zack watches his big brother so intently that when kuya is doing something, he will be imitating him when he leaves whatever activity. it reminds me of the other day when xander was coloring and decided to color our electric fan. i got mad at him and gave him a wipe to clean the fan. after he was done, he was off to do another activity. i changed zack's diaper after and gave him a wipe to keep him occupied. i let him off the couch and i went to the kitchen to throw away the diaper. when i looked over to the kids, i saw zack had made his way over to the fan and was using his wipe to wipe the fan. he's getting so big. he's been practicing to stand on his own. before we know it, he'll be walking all over the place, ahhhh!

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